Tuesday 21 May 2013


The Hindu scriptures speak of  nine kinds of devotions,nine kind of egos,and five sheaths of the body

Nine kinds of Devotions: 1.  Listening 2. Singing 3. Worshipping 4. Bowing down 5. Serving 6. Thinking 7. Dedication 8. Humility, 9. Intimacy.

Nine Kinds of Ego: 1. Possession, 2. Wealth, 3. Singing hymns, 4. Knowledge, 5. Education, 6. Beauty, 7. Youth, 8. Family lineage, 9. Cast or sect

Five Koshas or Coverings:
1. Annamaya, (Sthul Sharir Gross physical body  sustained by food)
2. Pranamaya (Energy or Etheric body , Praana or vital force),
3. Manomaya (Astral body,mental cover),
 4. Gyaanmaya (Karan sharir,causal body),
5. Anandamaya Mahakaran Sharir ,supercausal body).

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